Where did this field come from?
A full historical account deserves a whole blog post to itself, but in short we can say the following:
Nucleonics lies at the intersection of quantum dynamics, nanostructured materials and nuclear physics and is concerned with the interplay of the molecular, atomic, and sub-atomic scales.
Solid-state environments have long been considered rich in their dynamics. For the longest time, the atomic nucleus was considered as merely a passive observer - like a cork bobbing up and down in a pool of water. However, as early as the 1930’s scientists showed that, at least in principle, the weakly connected atomic and sub-atomic scales could in fact influence each other (Breit 1937). Interest in such effects was accelerated by reports, in the late 1980s and 1990s, of experimental anomalies in metal-hydride systems (often dubbed cold fusion and LENR). While not all of those reports live up to our scientific standards, we believe that collectively they represent a body of formal and informal knowledge not to be ignored. Indeed this knowledge has since gone on to stimulate rigorous development in theory, materials and concepts which together define a scientific field (see about page for more details).
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